Are You Ready for an Intense La Niña Hurricane Season?
Are you ready for 2024’s hurricane season? Experts predict it will be among the worst we’ve ever seen, with some suggesting it will break records from previous seasons.
Although it’s vital to take the warnings seriously, that doesn’t mean inclement weather has to derail your sense of safety and security.
The expert South Florida generator team at Rack Electric has put together a guide of what to expect from this year’s La Nina hurricane season and how to prepare to stay safe.
Read on to learn more and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need help with a generator in Boca Raton or the surrounding area!
(561) 666-8960What Is La Niña?
La Nina, a natural climate pattern, happens when the water temperature falls at least 0.9°F below its average. As the cool seawater collides with the warm Atlantic water, the colder waters to rise to the surface. As the sea surface temperature becomes volatile, La Niña gains strength the more anomalies there are in surface temperatures. The busiest part of the Atlantic hurricane season runs from August through October, with a peak near mid-September.
Why Warm Water and La Niña Will Wreak Havoc on Florida
In February, AccuWeather began warning coastal areas to expect a charged hurricane season in 2024, with an increase in storms and upper winds. La Niña’s impact on wind shear is especially important. During a normal season, wind shear helps beat back developing storms and can sometimes prevent them from forming altogether. La Niña will ultimately reduce wind shear and make this year’s hurricane season more powerful than ever.
During the 2020 hurricane season, La Niña brought 14 hurricanes and 30 tropical storms. As La Nina picks up speed, we should expect more tropical cyclones, stronger winds, and extreme water conditions than previous years.
Why You Need a Generator for Hurricane Season
If you don’t already have a backup generator for your home, it’s time to install one. Rack Electric provides South Florida’s communities with the generators they need to stay powered up. In addition to providing more comfort and convenience, keeping the power on can also prevent food from soiling and compromising medicine and medical equipment.
Our licensed electricians will provide you with a free quote for a residential standby generator installation in South Florida. We’ll get to work to install your generator quickly and efficiently to keep your home safe during the next hurricane. Once installed, your generator initiates automatically when the power fails. There’s no need to worry about moving around a portable generator or dealing with a storm to get your generator working.
How to Prepare for an Intense Hurricane Season
Once your generator is installed, there’s more to do to prepare your home for La Niña’s hurricane season:
Service Your Backup Generator
If you’ve already had a whole house generator for awhile, make sure you call for a generator maintenance appointment before hurricane season. We’ll make sure it’s ready to go in an emergency and stay ahead of any potential generator repairs.
Prepare Your Supplies
Before hurricane season rolls through, you need to gather supplies, including non-perishable foods, drinking water, medications, batteries, flasks, and toiletries. Keep a battery-powered radio and solar-powered USB charger on hand to stay in contact with family, friends, and emergency responders.
Organize a First-Aid Kit
A first-aid kit is critical for the safety of you and your family. Put together a first-aid kit with bandages, medications, alcohol wipes, burn cream, antiseptics, a thermometer, and sterile gloves. Ideally, you want enough supplies to last you several days and cover every member of your family.
Think About Your Pets
Don’t forget your pets in your hurricane preparedness plan. Your pets also need plenty of food, fresh water, blankets, something to chew on, and medications to survive. Make a list of everything your pet needs in a week, including potential emergency medical supplies, to put together their own kit.
Prepare Your Home for a Hurricane
Once you have your supplies in place, it’s time to prepare your home for a hurricane. If you don’t have them already, invest in storm shutters and clean out your gutters to avoid as much pooling water and roof damage as possible. It’s also wise to have your roof inspected and double-check your insurance policy for any changes. Whenever possible, set aside time to remove loose objects and move valuables and furniture to higher areas of your home.
Gather Your Documentation
Do you know where the most important documents are for your home and insurance policies? Make a digital folder with insurance policies, financial statements, health paperwork, warranties, and any other important documents. If you have hard copies, place them in a waterproof, fireproof lockbox to keep everything dry and safe.
Know Your Evacuation Route
What’s your plan if you need to evacuate your home? Where will you go and how will you get there? Add extra time for heavy traffic and road problems. It’s also necessary to decide when you’ll leave. At some point, it will be too late to leave without putting yourself at risk.
Call Rack Electric to Prepare for Hurricane Season
La Niña is headed our way, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be prepared and take control of the situation. Taking proactive steps can safeguard you, your family, and your home for your comfort and well-being. Don’t’ wait! For peace of mind and to give yourself the best chance for a well-prepared hurricane season, start putting things in place now.
Be sure to check out our Hurricane Preparedness Guide, and if you need South Florida generator installation, repair, or maintenance, reach out to the experts at Rack Electric right away!
(561) 666-8960Learn More About How to Prepare for a Hurricane in South Florida
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